Powerlifting - Deadlift

Powerlifting - Deadlift

  • The lifter shall face the front of the platform with the bar laid horizontally in front of the lifter’s feet, gripped with an optional grip in both hands and lifted until the lifter is standing erect.
  • On completion of the lift the knees shall be locked in a straight position and the shoulders back.
  • The Chief Referee’s signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and the audible command “Down”. The signal will not be given until the bar is held motionless and the lifter is in the apparent finished position.
  • Any rising of the bar or any deliberate attempt to do so will count as an attempt.
  • Once the attempt has begun no downward movement is allowed until the lifter reaches the erect position with the knees locked.
  • If the bar settles as the shoulders come back (slightly downward on completion) this should not be reason to disqualify the lift.

Causes for Disqualification of a Deadlift

  • Any downward movement of the bar before it reachesthe final position.
  • Failure to stand erect with the shoulders back.
  • Failure to lock the knees straight at the completion of the lift.
  • Supporting the bar on the thighs during the performance of the lift. If the bar edges up the thigh but is notsupported this is not reason for disqualification. The lifter should benefit in all decisions of doubt made by the referee.
  • Stepping backward or forward or moving the feet laterally. Rocking the feet between the ball and heel is permitted. Foot movement after the command “Down” will not be cause for failure.
  • Lowering the bar before receiving the Chief Referee’ssignal.
  • Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands, i.e., releasing the bar from the palms of the hand.


Subject to changes

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